Names of Russian origin of children, babies, boys, men, names 1 - 6 of 14 names found, sorted alphabetically
Names starting with "A" letter were added on site till now.
Names of Russian origin of children, babies, boys, men
names 1 - 6 of 14 names found
sorted alphabetically
- Destiny number: 8, Name power: 62%
Variant transcription of Aleksey.
Visualisations: 2362 - Destiny number: 6, Name power: 78%
Russian form of Greek name "Alexis".
Visualisations: 2420 - Destiny number: 2, Name power: 56%
Variant transcription of Aleksey.
Visualisations: 3679 - Destiny number: 2, Name power: 56%
Variant transcription of "Aleksey".
Visualisations: 2355 - Destiny number: 7, Name power: 61%
Of uncertain origin. Possible origins and parent names:
1) Russian origin, parent name
"Leonti". The children of "Leonti" would have been called "Ai lui Lionti", or shortly "A Lionti",
which turned out in time "Alionti", "Alionte", "Alinte", "Alion".
2) Romanian origin,
parent name "Lența". It may also come from the Romanian language, from the verb "to relief",
although unlikely. More likely it came from the diminutive of female name "Elena" - "Lenuța",
written as popular abridged version "Lența". The children of "Lența" would have been called,
popular, "Ai Lenței", which turned out into "A Lenții" -> "Alenții" -> "Alinți" -> "Alinti" ->
3) Germanic origin, parent name: "Linta" - form of the name "Linda". Thus
"Alinte" = "Ai Lintei" (belongs to "Linta", child of "Linta"), transformed in time in "Alinte".
Visualisations: 2487 - Destiny number: 6, Name power: 51%
Of uncertain origin, possibly Russian, from parent name "Leonti". The children of "Leonti" would
have been called "Ai lui Lionti", shortly "A Lionti", transformed over time in "Alionti", "Alionte",
"Alinte", "Alion".
Visualisations: 2607
See typical names, most used (by country, culture):