Names of English origin of children, babies, boys, men, names 1 - 6 of 11 names found, sorted alphabetically
Names starting with "A" letter were added on site till now.
Names of English origin of children, babies, boys, men
names 1 - 6 of 11 names found
sorted alphabetically
- Destiny number: 7, Name power: 5%
Name composed of the elements "Ælf" - "elf" and "ræd" - "counsel".
Visualisations: 4282 - Destiny number: 5, Name power: 32%
Variant of name Alden.
Visualisations: 2373 - Destiny number: 9, Name power: 36%
From the Old English given name "Ealdwine".
Visualisations: 2700 - Destiny number: 3, Name power: 21%
Short form of name "Alexander".
Visualisations: 3615 - Destiny number: 1, Name power: 46%
Derived from the Old English name "Ælfræd".
Visualisations: 3410 - Destiny number: 4, Name power: 58%
From a medieval form of any of the Old English names Aelfwine, Aedelwine or Ealdwine. It was revived
in the 19th century.
Visualisations: 3009
See typical names, most used (by country, culture):